Fashion Learning Resources

Ethics and Fair Trade Issues

Featured Courses

The Workers Rights Revolution

4 star

Brett tells you everything about the history of workers rights

Minimum Wages Act, 1948 2020 Update

4 star

Learn about the minimum wages act, 1948+current amendments of 2018

Occupational Safety, Health


Know important provisions of OSH code

Fair Trade: Does It Help Poor Workers?


“How does the purchase of fair-trade goods affect wages in developing countries?”

Fashion Factories Undercover


Beyond the crumbling walls of sweatshops we find out the true cost of fashion

How's Garment Industry Exploiting Its Workers

4 star

Field report on how 20,000 garment workers in Udyog Vihar, Haryana are surviving

How's Garment Industry Exploiting Its Worker

4 star

Field report on how 20,000 garment workers in Udyog Vihar, Haryana are surviving

Garments worker training animation video

4 star

Occupational Health and Safety, Energy and Environmental Management

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