Fashion Learning Resources

Environmental Impact

Featured Courses

Oil Companies and the Environment

4 star

Cost that extracting oil has had on indigenous populations and the environment

Coal Mining's Environmental Impact

4 star

The video shows how mining damages surrounding environment and water supply

Environmental Impacts of Timber Harvesting

4 star

Learn about the environmental impacts of timber harvesting

Environmental impacts of aquaculture

4 star

Significant ecological impacts of fish farming

The High Cost of Our Cheap Fashion

4 star

Know about the environmental impact due to fashion industry

Fashion's Crippling Impact On The Environment

4 star

Fast fashion has become one of the biggest sources of pollution in the world

The true cost of fast fashion

4 star

How fast fashion impacts ourenvironment

Is fast fashion destroying our environment?

4 star

How fast fashion impacts climate change through production of polyester and waste

The life cycle of a t-shirt

4 star

An average t-shirt and its environmental impact

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